
Baldvin er sundmaður mánaðarins í Landsliðshópi
Sund | 12. janúar 2014

Baldvin er sundmaður mánaðarins í Landsliðshópi

Baldvin Sigmarsson er sundmaður desembermánaðar í Landsliðshópi. Á myndinni er hann með liðsfélögum sínum Kristófer (t.v.) og Þresti (t.h.).
1. Baldvin might surprise you with his pic of one of his idols in action. No it´s not Michael Phelps who swims Baldvins main events: Check it out.

2. If any of you ever think ÍRB has some crazy training methods, check this out. But don´t if you have a weak stomach.
3. When Baldvin needs some inspiration he turns to this:
4. Check out what Baldvin´s listening too:
5. If you are watching these video´s in order, you probably won´t be surprised by Baldvin´s favourtie movie:
6. Baldvin wants to get his travel shoes on and head here:
7. What´s Baldvins favourtie cartoon series?
8. Baldvin recommends this movie for a laugh, check out this clip:
9. Need some food idea´s for your teenage boy? Check this out:
10. And now for something completely random and impressive: